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XC Soar

This site is to make using XCSoar easy. I have been using XCSoar for a few years and I believe that it is the best program for soaring.

Latest updates (23 October 2016) - details here->[link]

Program key features & links [top]

Key Features

Best Links

XCSoar Installation [top]

As XcSoar is now available for many platforms and each requires a slightly different instalation method. However the approach is generally similar:

Airspaces [top]

XcSoar uses Open Air format for Airspaces. It is very handy, as you can very simple edit the files to your needs, as official releases have often too many information. Some Aispaces are marked as "personal mod" that usualy menas that I (sometimes deeply) checked and modified the original airspace. Others are usually not checked by me and I give them as found on internet:

Waypoints [top]

It is top up to date list covering Germany, Alps, PL, CZ and FR. It contains airports, some waypoints like passes or mountains and most importantly outlanding fields (from SIP, France catalog and others). Plse note that outlanding waypoints are coded to use with outlanding catalogs - see my Outlanding -> [link] pages for more details.

Plse remember that you should use both files as they match through waypoint names.

Maps [top]

You can generate your own maps on XCSoar web page -> [link]. Maps can be generated with two terrain resolution: normal resolution (9arc) or high resolution (3arc). I recomend to use normal one.

I share here most commonly used maps in normal resolution:

Outlanding Catalogs [top]

As of version 6.2 on Android it is possible to open external files from XcSoar. Thanks to this feature, one can actually get outlanding catalogs (SIP, France, CH or Italy) electronicaly on your Android available. You can call the particular outlanding waypoint describtion (page from catalog) directly from XcSoar. Details here -> [link]

Links to Catalogs are already integrated in my Waypoint describtion file. Just unpack in "Waypoints" catalog.

As most of those materials are copyright, the catalogs are packed with Passwords. I will give you a pasword if you send me your picture with the catalog (France, SIP) or screenshoot showing that you have SIP Abo so I know you own one.

Other useful features [top]

If you have PDA hx4700, I recomend to install the newest Windows Mobile version: